For Authors

We would like to invite all employees of science and not only to cooperate in creating a scientific journal whose author and long-time editor was Professor Benon Miśkiewicz. In order to continue his work, we encourage you to send articles on Polish military historiography and characteristics of the source database of Polish military history. We also accept texts on how historiography in other countries assesses Polish military history. We also publish in the pages of “Studies” reviews of valuable monographs about Polish military, which bring new approaches to our historiography.

Please send the articles by email to the address In addition, we ask for permission to publish the article, as well as a statement that the submitted work has not yet been published and has not been submitted to another editorial office. We also ask for a statement that you are the author of the work and not the ghosthwriter. This is to prevent plagiarism.

The authors of articles agree to transfer the copyright on the editorial staff of scientific journal, Studies on the History of Polish Military Historiography.

The editors on behalf of the Authors declare that they are entitled to copyrights to the work Studies on the History of Polish Military Historiography.

The editorial office disposes of its proprietary copyrights to the Publisher in the field of exploitation specified in art. 50 of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights.

The article manuscript should meet the following requirements:


Format A4, margins 2,5 cm,

Font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1,5 line,

Maximum number of characters up to 45,000,

Footnotes Times New Roman, size 10, line spacing 1 line

The manuscript should contain:

Name and Surname of the author (authors),


Number ORCID

Abstract in Polish up to 1500 characters,

Keywords in Polish,

title, keywords and abstract in English up to 1500 characters,

and bibliography.

Footnote rules:

Write articles published in magazines according to the following formula:

K. Chłapowski, Alienacje dóbr królewskich w latach 1578-1668, „Przegląd Historyczny”, 1978, t. LXIX, z. 3, s. 647-663.

Records of articles included in collective works according to the following formula:

N. Karniłowicz, Rycerz polski między świętością a karnawałem,[w:] Przełom wieków XVI i XVII w literaturze i kulturze polskiej, pod red. B. Otwinowskiej i J. Pelca, Wrocław 1984, s. 183-192.

Book entries according to the following formula:

B. Miśkiewicz, Polska historiografia wojskowa, Poznań 1996, s. 8.

B. Miśkiewicz, Polska historiografia…, s. 9.